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Flowers are incorporated into the wedding ceremony as a symbol of fertility. We specialize in Floral Design, such as Wedding items and gifts.

Monday, 15 July 2013

2013.06.22 Bridal bouquet for the bride - Jody

Joann who from J's nail ordered a bridal bouquet to her friend - Jody. She chose purple & white color theme to match her wedding and her nail's art as well.

This bridal bouquet contains Tulips, Hydrangea popcorn, Hydrangea and Agapanthus.

Purple & White color bridal bouquet

This hydrangea popcorn looks special. Small flowers group together as a bundle of Hydrangea.
Hydrangea popcorn in lavender color

Tulips & Agapanthus

The bridal bouquet wrapped with grass

Real bridal with our bridal bouquet

 *v* For the enquiry about bridal bouquet, boutonniere or other wedding floral items, please contact me at wedding@ifuschiaflower.com

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